x...Gurpreet Kaur Sihat...x

x...Gurpreet Kaur Sihat...x
Gurpreet Ready For Her Year 11 Prom

x...Welcome to Athenix...x

It's been 7 years since I first started to attempt to make my dreams of being a journalist come true. I was 9 years old and was still attending Primary School at the time. It was this year that I started my first magazine, "Black Cat", named after my favourite character in Spiderman - which I was hooked on at that age.

I don't remember where my exactly my inspiration had come from but I know that my inspiration changed throughout the years. One year, it was Chloe Sullivan from "Smallville", (who risked her life to get a story) the next it was Andy from "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days", being forced to write unimaginative articles, finding the man that she loves and then earning the right to write whatever pleased her - yes, alright, this inspiration was rather unusual, but it kept me going and kept the want to become a journalist alive.

Now that I am 16, I have realised that celebrities have not affected the dreams of becoming a journalist. My sisters are now what inspire me. My eldest sister, Sarawjeet, is as successful in her family life as well as successful in her career. My second sister, Arminder, has worked hard all these years and has an amazing talent for words and writing. My third sister, Ranjit, has a gift for art and design, as has her husband, and has recently published a book of her photographs.

I hope to one day show that I have inherited even a fraction of the talent that my sisters have shown. But until then, I am happy improving my writing, and starting from scratch.

x...The Trio...x

x...The Trio...x
*FROM LEFT TO RIGHT* Gurdeep Diogan, Kiran Diogan, Gurpreet Sihat.......at Hampton Court Palace

Notes from a Friend by Anthony Robbins

Recently I have been reading a book called “Notes from a Friend” by Anthony Robbins and it’s been an amazingly inspirational read! I discovered the book when I won a Jack Petchey Award earlier this year. With a medal we were given little booklets called “Notes from Jack Petchey”. Extracts from this booklet were taken from Anthony Robbins’ book which Jack Petchey keeps beside his bed as he valued the advice given in “Notes from a Friend” so much. There was an opportunity to obtain a copy of the book and I at once asked my sister to purchase it for me – it was lucky that I did.

As a teenage girl, there are many “teenage disasters” that I’ve been going through lately and one morning, I woke up feeling blue as I had been throughout the past week or two. I saw the book next to my Johnny Depp biography which my cousin had brought me for Christmas and I picked it up and began to read. I couldn’t put it down. I was initially put off at the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ted Danson and Andre Agassi had found this book helpful. Three completely different men, but men all the same – was this book aimed at the male sex? Would it therefore be completely useless to me – a teenage girl?

Regardless of my first impressions, I read the introduction and I was immediately hooked. The introduction told the story of a boy whose life seemed to be completely in shambles. It spoke of one thanksgiving where the boy’s family couldn’t afford a turkey or a feast, and how a man came to the door with a feast fit for a king as a present from someone “who knows you’re in need and wants you to know that you’re loved and cared for”. The story goes on to tell of how the boy grew up to give things to others, to share the love that he was shown that thanksgiving.

I couldn’t help but continue to read and I finished the book in the space of an hour. There were fantastically inspiriting references to Walt Disney, Soichiro Honda and Ed Roberts. As soon as I finally put the book down, I got ready and went downstairs to find my mother and sister watching the London Marathon. There was a story of a soldier who had been severely hurt by a grenade during an attack and was now blind – he ran the marathon. Stories like this never seemed to move me as much as it had after reading “Notes from a Friend” and I’m glad that I ignored my initial instincts and read it.

A lot of my friends think that I’m crazy to do what I do – because I happen to be the editor of the school magazine, because I prefer spending my time at home then time going out and getting drunk with them, because of the idea that I have a theme tune which turned out to be Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life”, and most of all, because I am who I am, I listen to what I want to listen to, and I watch what I want to watch, no matter how outdated they believe it is. This book was better than any therapy session suggested by my friends could ever be; it was defiantly a million and one times more beneficial.

I realised that I could make my dreams a reality and that although it wouldn’t be easy, I can achieve it if I believe in myself and if I don’t let people pull me down. Sandra Bullock said that “there is no such thing as failure” and I didn’t really understand what she meant by that until I read this book; until Anthony Robbins said that “there are no failures in life. As long as I learn anything from something, then I’ve succeeded”. The book put a lot of things into perspective for me and I can 100% say that it really has changed my life for the better – my friends and family might not see a change in me straight away, but slowly and surly, the teachings from this book will show on me.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was right. This book is “more than a note from a friend – an indispensable guide!” and like Jack Petchey, this will be one that stays on my bedside for years to come. It’s well worth the read.


I love designing things! I love designing magazine covers, book covers, album pages, cards...and I love scrapbooking. Below is a collection of things that I have designed over the years, a short explanation beathe each.


Magazine Cover
Much like "Red", "Elegance" is for the much wider audience of young women aged between 20 to 40 and explores a wide range of topics from Health to Gossip, Beauty to Fashion and Food to Travel.


Magazine Cover
For the neich Canadian audience who has not yet had the luxury of exploring England, "London" is a magazine made by two journalists alone, much like the work of the Hairy Bikers, allowing that Neich audience to enjoy London and the travels of the journalists, perhaps resulting in them exploring London themselves in the future.

x...New Sound...x

x...New Sound...x
Magazine Cover

x...Slicing Aces...x

x...Slicing Aces...x
Magazine Cover

x...Movies Forever...x

x...Movies Forever...x
Magazine Cover

x...Wall of Photography...x

My dad used to own his own Photography Studio called "Dev Studios" in Southall. I've been interested in Photography as a hobby for some time but only really experienced it over the past few months. I had forgotten to return the school camera before the Easter Holidays and in those two weeks.

I have taken over 2 thousand photographs of a million and one different things - my cat, Tigerlily, who modelled for me for 20 minutes before getting bored; a Robin who was exploring the snow, who also got bored of me after an hour; the beautiful Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport; and naturally, my gorgeous friends and family who all modelled for me in a variety of ways.

Hopefully, one day, I will find out that one of the things that I have inherited from my dad was his talent not only the love for photography.

x~The Thames~x

x~The Thames~x
The River From The Hotel River Bank

x~St. Pauls~x

x~St. Pauls~x
St. Paul's Cathedral


Kiran Holding the World


A Beautiful Swan Swimming


The Sun Playing Peekabo Behind the Clouds

x~Evening Sky~x

x~Evening Sky~x
The Evening Northolt Sky

x~Ravenor Park~x

x~Ravenor Park~x
Charlotte and Talulah at the Entrance of the Park

x~Ravenor Park~x

x~Ravenor Park~x
Charlotte Hugging one of the Trees

x~Ravenor Park~x

x~Ravenor Park~x
Charlotte and Talulah Walking Home

x~Ravenor Park~x

x~Ravenor Park~x
Charlotte and Talulah Posing for me Next to Beautiful Trees


Tiger - What are you Looking at?


My Beautiful Cat, Tigerlily, Sneaking Away


Tiger in the Jungle which is our Neighbours' Garage Roof


Tigerlily Once Again, Looking Beautiful

x~Spiral Staircase~x

x~Spiral Staircase~x
Alfred Hitchcock? - No...T5!

x~Take Off~x

x~Take Off~x
The AA Plane Taking off From T5

x~Robin Redbreast~x

x~Robin Redbreast~x
That Robin Posed For a Whole Hour!


Another Plane Taking off From TV


Who Said That Britain Wasn't Green?

x~Snow Day~x

x~Snow Day~x
Snow in April 2008

x~The T5 Sky~x

x~The T5 Sky~x
The Sky as seen from Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport

x~Inside Roof~x

x~Inside Roof~x
The Roof of T5