x...Gurpreet Kaur Sihat...x

x...Gurpreet Kaur Sihat...x
Gurpreet Ready For Her Year 11 Prom

x...Welcome to Athenix...x

It's been 7 years since I first started to attempt to make my dreams of being a journalist come true. I was 9 years old and was still attending Primary School at the time. It was this year that I started my first magazine, "Black Cat", named after my favourite character in Spiderman - which I was hooked on at that age.

I don't remember where my exactly my inspiration had come from but I know that my inspiration changed throughout the years. One year, it was Chloe Sullivan from "Smallville", (who risked her life to get a story) the next it was Andy from "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days", being forced to write unimaginative articles, finding the man that she loves and then earning the right to write whatever pleased her - yes, alright, this inspiration was rather unusual, but it kept me going and kept the want to become a journalist alive.

Now that I am 16, I have realised that celebrities have not affected the dreams of becoming a journalist. My sisters are now what inspire me. My eldest sister, Sarawjeet, is as successful in her family life as well as successful in her career. My second sister, Arminder, has worked hard all these years and has an amazing talent for words and writing. My third sister, Ranjit, has a gift for art and design, as has her husband, and has recently published a book of her photographs.

I hope to one day show that I have inherited even a fraction of the talent that my sisters have shown. But until then, I am happy improving my writing, and starting from scratch.

x...The Trio...x

x...The Trio...x
*FROM LEFT TO RIGHT* Gurdeep Diogan, Kiran Diogan, Gurpreet Sihat.......at Hampton Court Palace

Victory on Grass by the King of Clay!

Wimbledon has been taken over by the “King of Clay”! After a 4 hour, 48 minute final match, victory and the 2008 Wimbledon Championship title was snatched from world number one, Roger Federer, and handed to the Spanish “Beast” Rafael Nadal, putting an end to Federer’s 5 year run and resulting in Rafael Nadal's newest title (as of Monday, August 18th 2008), World Number One!

The consistently breathtaking classic, ending in 6-4, 6-4, 6-7 (5-7), 6-7 (8-10), 9-7, began at 2.35pm and finished at 9.15pm, due to the endless breaks for rain, which thankfully allowed spectators to catch their breath, and left the newly turned 22 year old lying on the grass with outstretched arms.

Watching the match from the royal box was legendary tennis player, Bjorn Borg, who Nadal had tied the record with for winning both the Roland Garros Championship title, on the clay courts of France, and the Wimbledon Championship title, on the grass courts of England, in the same year.

Roger Federer seemed no match for the Spaniard throughout the first two sets. Stopping the game due to the rain fall seemed just the ticket to get Federer playing to his usual graceful standards. Federer tried hard to be the first man since Henri Cochet in 1927 to come back from a two-sets-to-none match but unfortunately this didn’t work.

Although Federer took the next two sets (both with tie breakers at the end), and saved 4 championship points in both sets from Nadal, the Majorcan took the final set at an amazing nine-games-to-seven and became the first Spaniard to capture the Wimbledon title since Manuel Santana in 1966.

Federer was aiming this year to beat Bjorn Borg’s record of 5 consecutive wins on the grass courts of Wimbledon but unfortunately this wasn’t his year. He still owns 12 major titles, but is still two victories shy of Pete Sampras’ record total of 14 major titles. Perhaps Sampras will be able to hold onto this record, as he wishes, considering that both Nadal and Novak Djokovic have been making the way for his victory, seem impossible.

All we know for sure is that “The Beast” won’t stop at the 2008 Wimbledon Championship and that this rivalry between Federer and Nadal has been the greatest we’ve ever seen – there is defiantly more to look forward to in the next few years.

Reported by Gurpreet Kaur Sihat

Notes from a Friend by Anthony Robbins

Recently I have been reading a book called “Notes from a Friend” by Anthony Robbins and it’s been an amazingly inspirational read! I discovered the book when I won a Jack Petchey Award earlier this year. With a medal we were given little booklets called “Notes from Jack Petchey”. Extracts from this booklet were taken from Anthony Robbins’ book which Jack Petchey keeps beside his bed as he valued the advice given in “Notes from a Friend” so much. There was an opportunity to obtain a copy of the book and I at once asked my sister to purchase it for me – it was lucky that I did.

As a teenage girl, there are many “teenage disasters” that I’ve been going through lately and one morning, I woke up feeling blue as I had been throughout the past week or two. I saw the book next to my Johnny Depp biography which my cousin had brought me for Christmas and I picked it up and began to read. I couldn’t put it down. I was initially put off at the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ted Danson and Andre Agassi had found this book helpful. Three completely different men, but men all the same – was this book aimed at the male sex? Would it therefore be completely useless to me – a teenage girl?

Regardless of my first impressions, I read the introduction and I was immediately hooked. The introduction told the story of a boy whose life seemed to be completely in shambles. It spoke of one thanksgiving where the boy’s family couldn’t afford a turkey or a feast, and how a man came to the door with a feast fit for a king as a present from someone “who knows you’re in need and wants you to know that you’re loved and cared for”. The story goes on to tell of how the boy grew up to give things to others, to share the love that he was shown that thanksgiving.

I couldn’t help but continue to read and I finished the book in the space of an hour. There were fantastically inspiriting references to Walt Disney, Soichiro Honda and Ed Roberts. As soon as I finally put the book down, I got ready and went downstairs to find my mother and sister watching the London Marathon. There was a story of a soldier who had been severely hurt by a grenade during an attack and was now blind – he ran the marathon. Stories like this never seemed to move me as much as it had after reading “Notes from a Friend” and I’m glad that I ignored my initial instincts and read it.

A lot of my friends think that I’m crazy to do what I do – because I happen to be the editor of the school magazine, because I prefer spending my time at home then time going out and getting drunk with them, because of the idea that I have a theme tune which turned out to be Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life”, and most of all, because I am who I am, I listen to what I want to listen to, and I watch what I want to watch, no matter how outdated they believe it is. This book was better than any therapy session suggested by my friends could ever be; it was defiantly a million and one times more beneficial.

I realised that I could make my dreams a reality and that although it wouldn’t be easy, I can achieve it if I believe in myself and if I don’t let people pull me down. Sandra Bullock said that “there is no such thing as failure” and I didn’t really understand what she meant by that until I read this book; until Anthony Robbins said that “there are no failures in life. As long as I learn anything from something, then I’ve succeeded”. The book put a lot of things into perspective for me and I can 100% say that it really has changed my life for the better – my friends and family might not see a change in me straight away, but slowly and surly, the teachings from this book will show on me.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was right. This book is “more than a note from a friend – an indispensable guide!” and like Jack Petchey, this will be one that stays on my bedside for years to come. It’s well worth the read.

x~Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street~xxx

Johnny Depp and Tim Burton once again join forces in order to bring to life the adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s award-winning musical thriller “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street”.

Depp stars as an innocent man, unjustly sent to prison, who vows revenge, not only for the cruel punishment he was forced to undergo, but for the devastating consequences of what happened to his wife and daughter. When he returns to reopen his barber shop, Todd becomes the Demon Barber of Fleet Street who “shaves the faces of gentlemen who never thereafter were heard of again.”

But it’s not only the gorgeous Johnny Depp that stars in this fantastic movie: Helena Bonham Carter stars as Mrs. Lovett, Todd’s passionate accomplice who creates diabolical meat pies; Alan Rickman portrays the evil Judge Turpin, who sends Todd to prison; Timothy Spall is Turpin’s wicked associate Beadle Bamford; and don’t forget Sacha Baron Cohen as the rival barber, Signor Adolfo Pirelli.

The funny thing is, is that Depp is scared by the sight of his own blood. The Hollywood star admits to being scared of cutting himself and wary of visiting the doctors because being “prodded and poked” makes him squeamish. At the premiere of Sweeney Todd, Depp said: “There’s a lot of blood-letting in the firm but I like to keep mine inside me thank you very much. I’m not very good with the sight of my own blood.”

Despite using gallons of fake blood during filming, director Tim Burton also admitted to sharing Depp’s fear of bleeding. “I always look away when I draw blood at the doctor’s office. The blood we use is very theatrical. That’s one of the reasons it still feels like a play to me. The realistic edge is off.”

In New York, Burton and Depp sat down to talk about Sweeney Todd with interviewers from moviesonline.com. If only I was old enough to check him out for myself ;-)...

Mr Depp Why did you want to do this?

Depp: I was familiar to some degree with the earlier versions of this, this stuff that you know I’d seen the, the video of um Angela Lansbury quite extensively. And I’d seen the more recent production of it and then just thought it might be, you know certainly a great opportunity to, to try to find a, a new Sweeney, a different Sweeney. Just like a little contemporary in the sense of like also the punk rock Sweeney you know.

We already heard that you created a kind of situation of suspense because nobody knew if you can really sing it so and you came round to do late with it. So was it also fun for you to, to let them wait a little bit? How would you describe the process?

Depp: Yeah. I was I think probably more frightened than anyone, [CHUCKLES] except maybe Tim. He really trusted me with it you know and I was very lucky that he allowed me to … cos I didn’t have a process really you know in terms of the singing. I’ve never sang before in my life, so I had to kinda find my way to it. And thought it was important that I, you know, keep it very, very low key and, and so yeah I initially did these demos in my friend’s garage studio cos I didn’t know if I would be able to hit a note. I wanted to make sure I could do it for Tim.

We talked to Helena earlier and she was joking and saying how you made her audition for the role and that you didn’t talk about it for the five weeks and during that period you were auditioning other women for the role. Um can you just talk about that process? [CHUCKLES]

Burton: Sounds very sleazy the way you put it. Yeah well I mean you know it was, I thought it was important that er cos I’d never done anything like this before myself so, er and it’s quite a difficult musical to do. And you know like in the stage thing that was a, you know that was a ha… it’s a hard role, the roles are hard, and I just didn’t want it to seem like I was just giving the job to my girlfriend or anything. So, er I really was probably harder on that for that reason, and I just wanted to make sure that er it was basically she was really, really right for her, which she is, which she was and is. So it just was, yeah I probably was a bit harder on her than, than others, for the reason on just wanting to really make sure it was right.

You know the scene when Sweeney Todd is re-united with his razor in his shop for the first time. That scene reminded us of some part of the Edward Scissorhands. Instead of Scissorhands maybe Razorhand it’s like. But that scene, you know the silhouette or the look or the posture or the face, facial expression, did it have any connection with that movie Edward Scissorhands? Was that any inspiration or?

Burton: Yeah I mean I think for me it’s only the fact that we did that movie and we did this movie. I mean you know we’re not lost on the, sharp instrument angle. But you know the thing about this character which I love that’s different from that is that you know we did that a long time ago and we’re probably much more… I certainly was much more optimistic in, you know, which that character sort of represented and now the Sweeney character is a much more interiorised darker character, which I love.

To see Johnny do both of those things is really amazing for me to see because you know I think this character for me is one of my favourite characters he’s done just because I love the interior brooding quality of the character. And then you put that with him singing and it just created to me a really amazing new thing to me.

Given that the movie is very violent and is a musical do you see this as a challenge at the box office? Is that something that occupies your mind, you know making your money back?

Burton: Well you know it’s always a risk. I remember when I first saw the show in London back when I was still a student. I didn’t know anything about the music and I remember seeing the show and these two ladies, these very proper, British ladies were sitting in front of me and they were kind of chatting throughout the show…

…and then when Joanna came up and the blood started spurting across the stage they both stopped and paused for a minute and, one leaned over and said "Was that really necessary?”

Burton: But in fact it was necessary and I’ve seen other productions of it where you know they’ve tried to be a bit more politically correct and skimp on it and it really lost something, because I mean the show is based in those old, grand cinemas, horror theatre melodramas, where you know they had buckets pouring out over the stage.

So, it just felt like that was true to the spirit of what the show is, it was and is over-the-top It’s more of an emotional release than it is a reality thing in this movie. So the studio they were cool about it, they accepted it, they knew it because they knew what the show was so there wasn’t you know. But you know anything, any movie is a risk, but it’s nice to be able to do something like that where you know it doesn’t fit into either musical or slasher movie category; kind of its own category.

What does having Johnny do for you as a Director that maybe you can’t do with other actors?

Burton: Well I mean he just tries anything. I mean the fact is that he’s not a, a singer, you know he’s musical and that he would try like one of the hardest musicals ever to do. You know that just says it all. You know he’s just willing to go out there and believe me, something I learned is singing especially if you’re not a singer is it’s a very exposing process. Anybody that can do that can basically do anything you know and, for me it’s just an artistic pleasure to see somebody try different things and, and actually achieve it and achieve it beyond your expectations so.

The other thing is he’s great because I love that he isn’t like looking at himself, which is great for me. You know I mean, you don’t have to spend you know, after a take "I’m gonna go look you know and see. Oh that’s not a good” you know. He’s just completely open to like, "Okay. Whatever” you know and "I don’t really care to look at myself or wanna look at myself,” you know. He just does a great job and believe me that’s a huge issue for me to not have that kinda, you know, certain kind of vanity of like looking at yourself and you know stopping. It kinda keeps the process going, keeps it vital and that means a lot to me and I think the crew and everybody else. They get into the spirit of just doing it you know not sitting around and you know analysing everything.

x~Interview from Other Website~x

In conversation with...


“I can honestly say that I’ve never been bored with acting or modelling. Anxious, nervous, sad, frightened, yes. But never bored, because I never know what’s going to happen next!”

For a man who only spent 15 days at acting school, Arjun Rampal has sure made his mark in the Indian film industry. But it’s not just his incredible good looks and his professionalism that makes him so bloody sexy!

Arjun, or AR as he is sometimes known, was born on November 26th 1972 in Jabalpur, India, to proud parents, Amarjeet and Gwen. Arjun was initially keen to make an international career and became a model in 1994. However, once he was abroad, he realised that the modelling scene wasn’t the best to go into as the most popular male models were all between the ages of 17 to 21 and according to him, it would have taken him at least a few years to make it big.

He began shooting for an ad in Monte Carlo when he met Ashok Mehta who expressed his desire to get Arjun to work for him. Arjun had read the script almost eight times before he decided to give it a shot. Although Arjun’s movie, Pyaar Ishq Aur Mohabbat, didn’t do well in the box office, his acting was amazing and he has left a huge impact on the audience even after the movie didn’t do well and that’s what’s so remarkable about him.

I went to interview Arjun on the set of his new movie. Interviewing him was one of the hardest and easiest things in the entire universe. You would wait and wait outside the interview room for ages, wishing that he would just hurry up and finish acting and then you’re pushed inside a small room to wait a few more seconds for him. You hurriedly make sure that you have everything, that there isn’t a single hair out of place and that you haven’t got any lipstick on your teeth.

Slowly and carefully, hoping that you won’t crease the trousers that you spent hours ironing that morning, you sit down, butterflies in the pit of your stomach. And then, he walks into the room with such presence, wearing jeans and a long sleeved blue t-shirt. He shakes your hand with the hugest smile on his face, and you quickly sit down, wishing that you’re knees would stop shaking.

You ask your first question, your voice shaking and nerves taking over…he answers calmly with that gorgeous smile on his face, cracks a joke at the same time. You laugh! And then, the butterflies go and the nerves disappear. You’re actually having fun interviewing him and before you know it the hour that you’ve booked with him flies by and soon it’s time for you to be kicked out so that he can get back to the filming.

If only it was real but dreaming isn’t reality. Bummer huh!

You’ve really made an impact on Indian Cinema, and especially on teenage girls all over the world. (Arjun laughs) I’ve been told to tell you that you’ve got “heavenly looks…just beautiful”. What would you tell teenage girls that say this? That’s one of the funniest things I’ve heard all day! Thanks but that’s got to do with God and nothing to do with me! (he laughs again). As for me making an impact on Indian Cinema, I just hope that it lasts.

What inspires you the most? I guess I would have to say life. That and when other people have faith in me, mostly that spurs me on.

You say that you are more spiritual than religious. What does God mean to you? God is a friend – someone that I can always ask for help.

As our readers know, you’re happily married to Indian Super Model, Mehr Jesia. What does marriage mean to you? It’s a rule made by society. (seeing my face) No, seriously, it’s something sacred and it’s incredible security you’ve found your companion for a lifetime. It’s all based on honestly, I’d say.

A lot of people would describe you as good-looking with awesome professionalism. How would you describe yourself and state of mind? How would I . describe myself? Erm…cool, casual and comfortable. As for my state of mind, I would say that I am peaceful. I’m comfortable with myself and the people around me.

Tell us three unknown facts about yourself. Three unknown facts. Alright, I’m disciplined, I’m really very honest, and I’m not lying about that! (he laughs) and I’m very hard working.

Are you a good liar? I’m a very bad liar – one of the worst! What do you think is the cutest thing about you? I guess it would be my laugh.

What’s the best place to be? And what would your best holiday destination be? The best place to be would be home but for my perfect holiday destination, I would go anywhere! New York, Paris, anywhere.

What was your reaction when you first saw yourself on screen? I was so shocked. I couldn’t believe I was there and it was finally happening after 5 years of waiting.

Who would you love to have lunch with? Jim Morrison and not lunch, an all night party for that whole sex, drugs, rock and roll thing. But one night only…

What is your wardrobe essential? My underwear! (he laughs)

You only went to acting school for 15 days! Any comments on that? I went basically to get rid of my inhibitions. Those 15 days really helped me loosen up and be totally relaxed in front of the camera because as a model you tend to be very stiff and preoccupied with angles.

What are you planning for the future? Well at the moment, I’m undergoing training in Indian classical vocals, basically for voice modulation. I’m also taking Urdu lessons to get my dictation right, and lessons in Hindi filming. For the future, I just want to be retired!

And final question, do you think that Angels exist? (laughs) Defiantly. If anyone has any doubts, then they should meet me!

After the interview, we also got Arjun to answer questions from fans who had e-mailed in.

Neil says: Hi Arjun, you are a slick action hero. (he laughs) I’d rather be called a slick actor, but thanks.

Rayees_Arjun writes: Arjun, can I get you on the phone one day? Are you buying me Rayees?

Malaysian says: Arjun, my mother wants to dance with you. When are you next in Kuala Lumpur? I’ll be in Kuala for the Gifa awards to launch “I see you” music. Bring your mum and we’ll dance there.

Miss SITAPHAL states: I’m in love with you Arjun. (Arjun blushes and laughs a bit) I love you too.

SJ asks: Arjun, how was working with Shah Rukh Khan on Don? Well, Shah Rukh is a rockstar, a totally wonderful human being.

Raj Shergil asks: What character have you like playing the most in your career so far? And why? Well, I really liked playing the character of Shekhar in Ek Ajnabee and Jasjit in Don. The reason being that they’re both real as well as totally unreal.

Cooldude wants to know: With which heroin are you comfortable in working with? (laughs) The one who takes the least amount of time in make up.

Dushu says: Hey Arjun, I like your dimple when you smile. It’s really looking great. (Arjun smiles and shows off his dimples) Thanks. I’ll try to smile more often then.

Arjint writes: Arjun, are you still smoking or have you given up? You look so cool when you do. Sorry, I know it’s not good for your health. I’m still trying to quit but thanks for saying that I look cool!




I love designing things! I love designing magazine covers, book covers, album pages, cards...and I love scrapbooking. Below is a collection of things that I have designed over the years, a short explanation beathe each.


Magazine Cover
Much like "Red", "Elegance" is for the much wider audience of young women aged between 20 to 40 and explores a wide range of topics from Health to Gossip, Beauty to Fashion and Food to Travel.


Magazine Cover
For the neich Canadian audience who has not yet had the luxury of exploring England, "London" is a magazine made by two journalists alone, much like the work of the Hairy Bikers, allowing that Neich audience to enjoy London and the travels of the journalists, perhaps resulting in them exploring London themselves in the future.

x...New Sound...x

x...New Sound...x
Magazine Cover

x...Slicing Aces...x

x...Slicing Aces...x
Magazine Cover

x...Movies Forever...x

x...Movies Forever...x
Magazine Cover

x...Wall of Photography...x

My dad used to own his own Photography Studio called "Dev Studios" in Southall. I've been interested in Photography as a hobby for some time but only really experienced it over the past few months. I had forgotten to return the school camera before the Easter Holidays and in those two weeks.

I have taken over 2 thousand photographs of a million and one different things - my cat, Tigerlily, who modelled for me for 20 minutes before getting bored; a Robin who was exploring the snow, who also got bored of me after an hour; the beautiful Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport; and naturally, my gorgeous friends and family who all modelled for me in a variety of ways.

Hopefully, one day, I will find out that one of the things that I have inherited from my dad was his talent not only the love for photography.

x~The Thames~x

x~The Thames~x
The River From The Hotel River Bank

x~St. Pauls~x

x~St. Pauls~x
St. Paul's Cathedral


Kiran Holding the World


A Beautiful Swan Swimming


The Sun Playing Peekabo Behind the Clouds

x~Evening Sky~x

x~Evening Sky~x
The Evening Northolt Sky

x~Ravenor Park~x

x~Ravenor Park~x
Charlotte and Talulah at the Entrance of the Park

x~Ravenor Park~x

x~Ravenor Park~x
Charlotte Hugging one of the Trees

x~Ravenor Park~x

x~Ravenor Park~x
Charlotte and Talulah Walking Home

x~Ravenor Park~x

x~Ravenor Park~x
Charlotte and Talulah Posing for me Next to Beautiful Trees


Tiger - What are you Looking at?


My Beautiful Cat, Tigerlily, Sneaking Away


Tiger in the Jungle which is our Neighbours' Garage Roof


Tigerlily Once Again, Looking Beautiful

x~Spiral Staircase~x

x~Spiral Staircase~x
Alfred Hitchcock? - No...T5!

x~Take Off~x

x~Take Off~x
The AA Plane Taking off From T5

x~Robin Redbreast~x

x~Robin Redbreast~x
That Robin Posed For a Whole Hour!


Another Plane Taking off From TV


Who Said That Britain Wasn't Green?

x~Snow Day~x

x~Snow Day~x
Snow in April 2008

x~The T5 Sky~x

x~The T5 Sky~x
The Sky as seen from Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport

x~Inside Roof~x

x~Inside Roof~x
The Roof of T5